Thursday, December 30, 2010 11:51 PM
Hey mates (:
First time updating here as your squadleader.
Today's the last day of 2010,
And i just want to apologise.
Sorry for being such a failure.
Sigh. Just want to praise an acknowledge all of your hard work.
I can see you guys really put in effort into the drills.
I'm not sure if you guys are really actually content that i'm the squad leader or that i'm even up to it.
So sorry!
You guys have been awesome!
Work hard for syf!
Don't give up (:
♥, Jermaine.

Friday, July 16, 2010 4:33 AM
Hello dearest squadmates.

I know today's not exactly a very enjoyable day, nor a relaxing/fun one, but I guess it's kinda meaningful? I mean like, you guys know that our drills aren't as good as they can be, cos we know there are people who don't really take drills seriously. I mean, I know that drills aren't very enjoyable to some of y'all, & the only reason I care about drills so much is that I love drills, cos I think they're super fun, & maybe they aren't for you & stuff, but they're important, in any case. Instead of treatin it like a chore, we can look at it from a more optimistic point of view, like maybe you can think of it as like a fun thing! Or you can think that it's just some time to bond(?) as a squad or spend time with our cute SCs! Okay maybe they're not as cute when they're commanding us cos they're fiercer than Christine & Karyn & Kialin & Jayme, but they are nice people anyway.

Hmm. In case any of y'all didn't know, I was effing away in the band room, & I can freaking promise all of you (can't swear, I'm Christian!) that I was effing away because I was pissed that people keep saying I don't check my phone, even though I do but I just don't necessarily reply cos I have a limited number of free smses & I exceeded last month, earning a long lecture from my mum. So don't misunderstand okay? Jermaine was there, & so was Jiayi, check with them! I promise okay! Anyway, basically my point is, work harder, & to those who are working very hard, keep it up! We can do this okay!

Another thing is that after talking to my senior right, I found out a lot of things. Y'know Kialin commanded the whites, & she wasn't as jokey as she was with us. So they don't really think that they're very fierce, as compared to Kialin. To us, they're really fierce because Christine & Karyn weren't that fierce with us right? We just have to adapt. I think the SCs are really stressed out. At least that's what my senior said. Remember how we made Christine cry because of our drills? We don't want it to happen again right? So let's work harder okay!

Melony, who probably has no right to say all this cos I don't have a post, but still feels the need to say it anyway. Even though she's not guiltless ._.

Thursday, June 10, 2010 6:31 AM
Woah it's been a long time since anyone's posted. This blog is dead ._.

Hmm, PoP's over already, greens aren't going to be with us during band prac anymore, but that's not an excuse not to work hard. We must work harder kay :D

Actually I'm here to talk about drills again. Christine & Karyn have passed out too D: Now we've got new SCs so we have to jiayou! :D We can't let them down okay :D I know we can do it because we aren't stupid (:

Let's work harder for drills, so as to not let Christine & Karyn & Kialin & Jayme down alright!


PS: Only Heidi & I are updating ._. Where are the rest of you!

Saturday, March 27, 2010 10:21 PM
Hey peeeeeps!
I changed the blogskin cause of continuous complains about the super confusing previous blogskin XD Hope you guys like the design ^^

For Jubilate, NBC and SYF even though it's next year :D

xoxo, sho_Heidi


Tuesday, February 23, 2010 2:16 AM
HELLO I'M BACK AGAIN :D But this time with no lecture (: I bet some of you are going like, "Phew." or something (: No offense or whatever was intended by the previous post okay? (:

Anyway, I would like to thank y'all for doing drills smartly & neatly last Friday. Let's keep it up okay? Karyn & Christine looked pleasantly surprised :D We should do our drills like that from now onwards, yes? Feels good, to see improvement in our squad? At least, feels better to know that we don't have punishments right?

Just one thing. Be more punctual okayyyyy. Lucky Karyn forgot about making us do punishment after seeing us do our drills :D


Lots of love,

Mehlowneeee (:

Saturday, January 16, 2010 3:03 AM

Once again I'm here to revive this blog (: POST MORE PLEASE!

Anyway, on to more serious matters. I know (again) that I have no right to order y'all to do stuff, or whatever, so now I'm begging ALL OF YOU to please please please say your timing loudly for drills. I know y'all (probably) don't like to have drills, but think of the squad commanders! They're screaming their lungs out to command us, to make sure we do our drills right. Won't we be disappointing them if we don't say our timing loud enough/not to our drills right? How would you feel if your juniors just mumble their timing, don't lift their feet up 90 degrees, mess up the most basic things? Please please PLEASE put more effort into doing your drills, because aren't drills supposed to train your discipline? Discipline is very important to go far in this society, & if we can't handle a small thing like drills (yes, it's small, compared to the other things in life. BUT THAT DOESN'T MEAN IT'S NOT IMPORTANT!), how do you expect to do well in life? Personally I'm disappointed in some people, whom I know can talk louder than they say timing. Drills are important in training our discipline, & they ARE part of our CCA. You know there's SYF next year right? Apparently we have to take a video of ourselves (meaning the Band) doing drills for SYF. So you know, drills are VERY important. Plus there's PoP this year. I don't think y'all want to embarrass yourselves (like I did for Swearing-in :X) on that day in front of your seniors & JUNIORS.

Speaking of juniors, don't you think it's right for us to set a good example for our juniors? If we don't take drills seriously by saying our timing louder 7 doing them properly, how do expect our juniors to do them well?

What about Kialin & Jayme? They put a lot of effort into teaching us drills, but we're just throwing everything back to them. Doesn't seem right, does it?

So I'm really begging all of you to do drills properly. What's the use of playing well if we don't have enough discipline?

At the same time, I would like y'all to acknowledge who are the people who are good examples in terms of drills.

Sections like ET, Saxes, Percs, Double Reeds, Trumpets, Trombones (minus pathetic me, they're all louder than me).

Of course there are some individuals like Jiaii. I'm only saying those who were near me because I'm not sure about the rest, but if you really were saying your timing loudly, then you should be proud. & if you weren't, I think we should all reflect on ourselves. It's a squad thing, if some people merely mumble timing, it doesn't make sense to do drills at all.

Don't be selfish, just say timing, lift your legs up 90 degrees. You need not scream your timing, just say it normally. It's not like it'll kill you.

No offence to anyone okay?

<3 Melony.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009 1:03 AM
hello again :D

It's quite disappointing to have only 15people doing the souvenirs when 39 people are supposed to do it. Anyway, we have around 100+ bookmarks to go and we have 'split up' some work. Thus, the rest of all of you who did not go, please turn up for squad meetings next time! Is 3 hours so difficult to sacrifice? Well, I don't think we have to meet up again, since it's almost done, we'll finish up the rest.
Also, I was thinking of a squad gathering or some what, but as you know, it's quite difficult to plan it since everyone's flying to different parts of the world and to get majority of the squad together is not at all an easy task (just like today :/). So, if we really can't do it this holiday, would june next year be fine? :3
Remember, if you're not going for band, please tell your seniors the reason and pass your excuse letters/MCs to Joan.
Hope all of you are practicing your instruments! It's another 2weeks to the next band practice and you don't want to get scolded, do you?
Another thing is, if you change your numbers, could you inform us? Because you wouldn't receive messages from us, which at times are quite important.

Dorcas :D
(practise hard!)